
Application Letter

                                                                                                                      Jakarta, May 25, 2013


Ministry of Human Resource Development
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati No.77-81
Jakarta 12150

Good day,

Herewith I convey my desire to join the employee at PT. INFOMEDIA. I have work experience related to Accounting, Finance and Management Information Systems in a private banking company nasioanal.

Currently I am in very good health condition, and can work in teams or individually as well, although for a job with a deadline (dead line) tight. Based on work experience, as well as a willingness to learn and work better, I believe will be able to make a valuable contribution to PT. INFOMEDIA.

I hope the father / mother is willing to take the time to interview, so I can introduce myself in more detail. I hope my qualifications and experience of working in accordance with the needs of employees in the company's father / mother.

Yours sincerely,

Dedi Hidayat

Opinion about this job: an accountant is a goal that I wanted after graduating from the University Gunadarma. Purposes that require sacrifices for 16 years, and I hope that desire faster than should be done. amen

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