
Application Letter

                                                                                                                      Jakarta, May 25, 2013


Ministry of Human Resource Development
Jl. R.S. Fatmawati No.77-81
Jakarta 12150

Good day,

Herewith I convey my desire to join the employee at PT. INFOMEDIA. I have work experience related to Accounting, Finance and Management Information Systems in a private banking company nasioanal.

Currently I am in very good health condition, and can work in teams or individually as well, although for a job with a deadline (dead line) tight. Based on work experience, as well as a willingness to learn and work better, I believe will be able to make a valuable contribution to PT. INFOMEDIA.

I hope the father / mother is willing to take the time to interview, so I can introduce myself in more detail. I hope my qualifications and experience of working in accordance with the needs of employees in the company's father / mother.

Yours sincerely,

Dedi Hidayat

Opinion about this job: an accountant is a goal that I wanted after graduating from the University Gunadarma. Purposes that require sacrifices for 16 years, and I hope that desire faster than should be done. amen

Curriculum Vitae

Personal  Details

Full Name                   : Dedi hidayat
Sex                              : Male
Place, Date of Birth    : Bekasi, november 08, 1991
Marital Status             : Single
Height, Weight            : 166 cm, 64 kg
Religion                      : Moslem
Nationality                  : Indonesia
Address                      : JL Bambu II KP. Kranggan RT.002/010 NO.12 Jati karya, Jati sampurna Bekasi 17435
Phone Mobile             : 085777450050       
Email                          : dedihidayat83@ymail,com

Educational Background

1998 – 2004                : SDN Jati karya II
2004 – 2007                : SLTPN 28 Bekasi
2007 – 2010                : SMAN 7 Bekasi
2010 - Now                 : Accounting Departement at Gunadarma University, Depok.


1.      Accounting & Administration Skills (Journal Printing & Calculation, Ledger, Petty Cash Payroll & Calculation, Inventory Controls, Project Data Updating, Teller, Salary Calculation)
2.      Computer Literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access, MS Outlook).
3.      Taxation System
4.      Internet Literate.

 Bekasi, March 27th 2013

     Dedi Hidayat